2024 CCM Chi-Town Shuffle

Apr 19, 2024
Illinois, US
Tournament Director
Justin Lewandowski
Tournament Director
Justin Lewandowski

2011 Supertacks

Games Scheduled
Games Played
# Time Home Status Visitor Location Round
Friday, April 19th
1 07:35 AM 29ers - Blake Sorensen 4 final 2 Battery Hockey Academy Romeoville Rink 1 pool
2 07:50 AM 2011 Minnesota Lakers 5 final 5 2011 Great Lakes HC Romeoville Rink 2 pool
4 09:15 AM Jr Reapers 4 final 2 Vice Hockey Romeoville Rink 2 pool
5 10:25 AM Compuware 3 final 3 Jr Admirals Romeoville Rink 1 pool
6 10:40 AM Prospects Academy 3 final 6 ProHybrid 2011 Elite Romeoville Rink 2 pool
3 10:50 AM SDP 2011 Elite 2 final 4 Indiana Elite Selects 2011 AAA Fox Valley North pool
7 11:50 AM Windy City 3 final 6 Victory Honda Romeoville Rink 1 pool
8 12:05 PM 2011 CCM Selects HODGMAN 7 final 1 Team Bearcat Romeoville Rink 2 pool
9 12:30 PM Mission 2 final 1 11 Anchorage Jr Wolverines Romeoville Rink 3 pool
10 01:15 PM Southeast Elite Hockey 1 final 3 RoughRiders Romeoville Rink 1 pool
11 01:30 PM Minnesota Blades - 2011 Maroon 3 final 2 2011 Tbirds Black Romeoville Rink 2 pool
12 02:40 PM CCM Selects SUTTON 2 final 2 The Graveyard Romeoville Rink 1 pool
13 02:55 PM Battery Hockey Academy 6 final 0 2011 Minnesota Lakers Romeoville Rink 2 pool
14 04:05 PM 2011 Great Lakes HC 4 final 0 29ers - Blake Sorensen Romeoville Rink 1 pool
15 04:45 PM Indiana Elite Selects 2011 AAA 1 final 7 Jr Reapers Fox Valley South pool
16 05:30 PM Vice Hockey 2 final 3 SDP 2011 Elite Romeoville Rink 1 pool
17 05:45 PM Jr Admirals 7 final 2 Prospects Academy Romeoville Rink 2 pool
18 06:30 PM ProHybrid 2011 Elite 3 final 0 Compuware Romeoville Rink 3 pool
19 06:55 PM Victory Honda 2 final 8 2011 CCM Selects HODGMAN Romeoville Rink 1 pool
20 07:10 PM Team Bearcat 3 final 9 Windy City Romeoville Rink 2 pool
21 07:20 PM 11 Anchorage Jr Wolverines 4 final 2 Southeast Elite Hockey All Seasons Red pool
22 07:35 PM RoughRiders 1 final 3 Mission All Seasons Blue pool
23 08:20 PM 2011 Tbirds Black 1 final 7 CCM Selects SUTTON Romeoville Rink 1 pool
24 08:35 PM The Graveyard 7 final 3 Minnesota Blades - 2011 Maroon Romeoville Rink 2 pool
Saturday, April 20th
25 07:35 AM Compuware 4 final 2 Prospects Academy Romeoville Rink 1 pool
26 07:50 AM Jr Admirals 3 final 5 ProHybrid 2011 Elite Romeoville Rink 2 pool
27 09:00 AM Windy City 3 final 6 2011 CCM Selects HODGMAN Romeoville Rink 1 pool
28 09:15 AM Victory Honda 6 final 0 Team Bearcat Romeoville Rink 2 pool
29 10:25 AM 29ers - Blake Sorensen 5 final 6 2011 Minnesota Lakers Romeoville Rink 1 pool
30 10:40 AM Indiana Elite Selects 2011 AAA 0 final 6 Vice Hockey Romeoville Rink 2 pool
31 11:50 AM SDP 2011 Elite 3 final 3 Jr Reapers Romeoville Rink 1 pool
32 12:05 PM Battery Hockey Academy 3 final 1 2011 Great Lakes HC Romeoville Rink 2 pool
33 01:15 PM 11 Anchorage Jr Wolverines 5 final 3 RoughRiders Romeoville Rink 1 pool
34 01:30 PM 2011 Tbirds Black 1 final 5 The Graveyard Romeoville Rink 2 pool
35 02:00 PM Mission 7 final 1 Southeast Elite Hockey Romeoville Rink 3 pool
36 02:40 PM Minnesota Blades - 2011 Maroon 2 final 6 CCM Selects SUTTON Romeoville Rink 1 pool
37 02:55 PM (Cons) 29ers - Blake Sorensen 5 final 5 Indiana Elite Selects 2011 AAA (Cons) Romeoville Rink 2 consolation
40 03:30 PM (Cons) Prospects Academy 6 final 1 Team Bearcat (Cons) Romeoville Rink 3 consolation
38 04:05 PM (Cons) Windy City 5 final 1 Compuware (Cons) Romeoville Rink 1 consolation
39 04:20 PM (Cons) Vice Hockey 0 final 6 2011 Minnesota Lakers (Cons) Romeoville Rink 2 consolation
41 05:45 PM (Cons) SDP 2011 Elite 4 final 1 2011 Great Lakes HC (Cons) Romeoville Rink 2 consolation
42 06:30 PM (B1st) Jr Reapers 1 final 2 ProHybrid 2011 Elite (C1st) Romeoville Rink 3 quarter-final
43 06:55 PM (A1st) Battery Hockey Academy 0 final 6 Mission (E1st) Romeoville Rink 1 quarter-final
44 07:10 PM (D1st) 2011 CCM Selects HODGMAN 4 final 2 The Graveyard (WC1) Romeoville Rink 2 quarter-final
45 07:20 PM (F1st) CCM Selects SUTTON 4 final 1 11 Anchorage Jr Wolverines (WC2) All Seasons Red quarter-final
46 07:35 PM (Cons) Southeast Elite Hockey 4 final 2 2011 Tbirds Black (Cons) All Seasons Blue consolation
47 08:20 PM (Cons) RoughRiders 1 final 3 Jr Admirals (Cons) Romeoville Rink 1 consolation
48 08:35 PM (Cons) Victory Honda 6 final 7 Minnesota Blades - 2011 Maroon (Cons) Romeoville Rink 2 consolation
Sunday, April 21st
49 08:00 AM (Game 43 Winner) Mission 3 final 2 CCM Selects SUTTON (Game 45 Winner) Romeoville Rink 1 semi-final
50 08:15 AM (Game 42 Winner) ProHybrid 2011 Elite 3 final 6 2011 CCM Selects HODGMAN (Game 44 Winner) Romeoville Rink 3 semi-final
51 09:25 AM (Game 43 Loser) Battery Hockey Academy 4 final 3 11 Anchorage Jr Wolverines (Game 45 Loser) Romeoville Rink 1 consolation
52 09:40 AM (Game 42 Loser) Jr Reapers 3 final 6 The Graveyard (Game 44 Loser) Romeoville Rink 3 consolation
53 12:15 PM (Game 49 Winner) Mission 5 final 3 2011 CCM Selects HODGMAN (Game 50 Winner) Romeoville Rink 1 final